
summer, breakfast, garden Welcome to Food with a View! Come in, have a seat at my virtual table and enjoy a cup of tea. This blog is a digital home to my multi-faceted journey, and I hope to inspire you with all things mindful cooking and green living.

I am Claudia, I’m 50 years old and I live & work in Berlin. I’m a visual storyteller, passionate homecook, dedicated writer and awarded cookbook author. I hold a master’s degree in cultural anthropology, and last but not least, I practice mindful awareness. As a food stylist & photographer, I have been working in the ad business for many years. Both crafts are still an important part of my work. Yet today, I prefer to consider myself as a professional creative making use of all I have learned in my manifold professional and private life to tell a story. A story of sustainable living, mindful cooking and personal growth. It all begins in the kitchen, in mine and in yours – ain’t that wonderful?

The food I like best is based on seasonal and locally grown ingredients, and I have a crush on heirloom varieties. I like indoor farming. Foraging wild herbs in urban nature. Morning meditations in the near-by park. I adore anything green and leafy, and to keep my diet balanced, I’m also into chocolate. I am not a 100 % vegan as I enjoy a truffled poached egg from time to time. Apart from that, I cook & bake plant-based only since about five years after having been a vegetarian for more than a decade. I do all my groceries by bicycle, except it’s raining cats and dogs, which is when I happily cook with leftovers instead. Apart from my passion for flowers (also on dresses), I practice minimalism and try to live life slowly. Hence, my sweetheart Arne and me experience the urban version of a tiny house: We call it our two-people-in-one-studio retreat.

In 2013, we founded Food with a View as a commute project. Along the wonderful journey that followed, our blog has been awarded several times, both nationally and internationally. So did our coffeetable cookbook Die grüne Stadtküche, published in 2017 by Knesebeck-Verlag. It was a dream come true that we are deeply thankful for, and our manifesto of good life as we see it. Since the beginning of 2020, Arne has withdrawn from blogging for the moment being and follows his path in urban & landscape photography. As a major source of inspiration in all things nutrition, he will remain a guest contributor at times, whereas I have taken up new threads over here.

I believe that we can change the world with just a meal: It’s our daily routines where we create sense, and it’s our everyday life’s where all the magic happens. If we smell a mushroom’s earthy flavor or carefully watch our rice pudding simmering slowly on the stove, we might feel inspired to take care of ourselves and of nature, and maybe even to make better choices. To me, eating healthier, consuming less and acting more climate-friendly little by little is a bliss, not a burden. And it includes beautiful imperfection as well. Because after all, cooking and eating mindfully is not about being holy. It’s about a risotto being perfect because of the risotto, not because of the cook. It took me a lot of rice and humor to get this lesson learned even half-way, and I happily invite you to join me along the way.

If you want to know more about mindful cooking, please go this way, and if you would like to read about my personal journey to get there, you will find it here. If you came here for recipe’s and stories, that’s fine, too. Want to work with me on your green & mindful culinary project or just send me an email and say hello? I will be happy if you get in touch over here.

Wishing you well!


Portrait photo: Arne Schmidt

14 thoughts on “About”

  1. afracooking says:

    Toller blog! Ich bin ganz begeistert von den rezepten und fotos (aber das hast du hoffentlich schon gemerkt). Noch eine frage: “food with a view” – viel die wahl auf den namen weil du (zweifelos) einen blick hast? Oder ist es auch noch eine anspielung auf “room with a view”?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dankeschön! Das freut mich sehr. Du hast richtig getippt, der Name leitet sich auch von dem Film her, und “view” steht für Aus- und Einblicke (auf’s Essen und auf Berlin) und auch für Ansicht/Haltung wie in “a point of view” (im Falle dieses Blogs vegetarisch und frisch, wenn möglich nach Saison und gern auch lokal). Lieben Gruß!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for dropping by! You’re right, Berlin has changed a lot in the meantime, you would surely be amazed if you gave it a visit again.
      Thanks so much for the Liebster Award, it’s much appreciated. I will try and answer the questions as soon as I will find the time for it :-).

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re so welcome. These awards can take a bit of time to respond to, but they’re fun to do.

        As you know, Berlin was a divided city back in 1982 – I don’t think I would recognise anything much. Even the landmarks look different from what I’ve seen in the media.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. So ein toller Blog mit vielen schönen Bildern & Rezepten – da möchte man gleich in den Garten/ auf den Balkon und in die Küche. Vielen Dank für die Inspirationen!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ich bin gerade durch Zufall auf euren Blog gestoßen und schon ganz verliebt in eure Fotos. Auch die Rezepte sind super-kreativ – bitte mehr davon! Die sind eine ganz tolle Inspirationsquelle. Danke dafür! 🙂

    Liebe Grüße


    Liked by 1 person

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