Crumble-licious: Rhubarb & Strawberry Crumble on Film



Currently, the food blogosphere is packed with gorgeous and creative recipes combining the spring twins strawberries and rhubarb. Crumble is surely among the most delicious fruit treats, and with its diverse textures and fine colors it’s also among the most beautiful ones. So Arne and me did a little crumble film which you can see below.

Regarding the recipe, there are two sources of inspiration. Emma of Nachgekocht already created a wonderful rhubarb and strawberry crumble the other day and opened up a Crumble Challenge as well. I was so lucky to be among the winners and got the very nice cookbook „Natürlich besser kochen“ (which would translate to better cooking the natural way) by Gabi Schierz and Gabi Vallenthin – thanks a lot for this again! A few days later, I discovered a beautiful Rhubarb Crumble with Ginger and Meyer Lemon by Kaela of local kitchen which comes along with whole wheat flour. Thank you Emma and Kaela for the great inspiration!

And here’s our crumbly movie star (please switch off HD if you have problems with a fluid video streaming performance):

Here’s my recipe

As you can see in the movie, I made too much crumbles for too few fruit. I already adjusted the amount of the ingredients for this recipe.

For four servings, take 300 g strawberries and 300 g rhubarb. Trim the strawberries and cut into quarters. Peel half of the rhubarb and leave the other half unpeeled. Mix with 40 g raw cane sugar and 1 tablespoon starch. Add a little bit of long pepper. Fill the fruits into two tart dishes.

Take 150 g whole spelt flour (sifted) and mix with 60 g raw cane sugar and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Take 100 g soft butter and mix with the flour; make crumbles with your fingertips. Cover the fruit filling in the tarte dishes with the crumbles. Put into the preheated oven (190 °C) and bake for 25-30 minutes.

Mix 200 g double cream and add some ground vanilla beans and serve along with the crumble. If you take strawberries only, sour cream is fine as well. Or you leave the double cream and add matcha along with the vanilla to it.

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"Food with a View - Berlin Food & Photography" is about urban recipes and photographs from a tiny Berlin Mitte kitchen and the rest of the city. Join us!

18 thoughts on “Crumble-licious: Rhubarb & Strawberry Crumble on Film”

  1. Yummy! I`m really happy you liked the crumble and the little cookbook 😉 Love the video btw! I’ve been think about doing a series, but with everything going on I cant find the time. Do you know “Tiger in a Jar”?


    • Thank you! Oh, you should take the time to make a series – I didn’t know that you make films as well, that’s exciting!
      Yes, we know Tiger in a jar, they are on Vimeo as well, like us.


  2. I LOVE IT SO SEHR! I brought rhubarb from Brandenbullerbü and now I know what do do with it! (most of it ended in rhubarb-vanilla syrup, but there is some left). Great film! I want to stülp my mouth over it. Wonderful. I play it in Endlosschleife!


    • Thank you so very much for your enthusiastic and funny denglish comment ;-)! And wow, I would love to get to know more about your rhubarb vanilla syrup. You have to share this with all of us soon!


  3. evazins says:

    I don’t know much about film making, but I really like the music you chose, think it really fits perfectly! And for the crumble, so simple and yet gorgeous, why havn’ I ever made one? That has to be changed soon. 🙂


    • Thank you Eva – indeed, finding the right music can be difficult. Great that you like it! And yes, there is no easier cake-like treat than crumble and I love it for that.

      Did you see (or anyone else) the movie Carnaga (in German “Der Gott des Gemetzels”)? As far as I remember, Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster are having a tricky conversation about a crumble that Foster is offering to the four of them while they are meeting to discuss an issue between their children. The crumble and how he is offered casually in the beginning and first praised politely, but then discussed exertedly and later rejected indicates the states of conflicts they go through in a very ironic way. Kind of Chabrol manner, just great.


  4. Antje Radcke says:

    What a wonderful film! Normally I’m not a big fan of cooking-videos – because they are boring, mostly too long, overcrowded with too many props and not focused on the main things.
    But not you! It’s a very asthetic film with a perfectly appropriate music. Thanks for this enjoyment!


    • Thank you so much for your very nice comment, Antje! I am happy that you like our little film. We had very much fun making it, and I really fell a little bit in love with the tune by Jahzzar. I love most the part when the music get’s a little bit ironically dramatic with the violins coming in (nice introduction for the flour ;-)).


  5. Sam says:

    Delicious! I love the film, my mouth is watering. I can only imagine how good rhubarb and strawberry would pair in a crumble


  6. Pingback: Süßes und Saisonales zum Feiertag - (veganer) Erdbeer-Rhabarbercrumble mit Kokosflocken | Regenbogenkombüse - Food, Frankreich & more

  7. Pingback: Spicy Rhubarb Compote in Jars with Cheesecake Topping | Food with a View

      • Es war super! Ich hatte nur sehr viele Erdbeeren und das Ganze wurde etwas matschig. Aber geschmacklich 1A!! Vielen Dank!!


      • Oh, das freut mich sehr, dass Du’s ausprobiert hast und dass es geschmeckt hat! Dass es etwas gematscht hat, tut mir natürlich sehr leid. Merci für dieses Feedback zur Konsistenz – dass es bei mehr Erdbeeren (oder bestimmt auch bei sehr reifen und weichen Früchten) etwas zu weich werden kann, hatte ich nicht bedacht. Ich trage das aber mal oben nach als wichtigen Hinweis.


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