Simply Cherry Pie


Cherry pie

How many places do you cross every once on in a while that you have never really noticed? The other day, we came by a school’s forecourt with a tiny meadow that we have passed often already. It’s summer holidays in Berlin, and therefor the place was empty – and the grass had obviously not been cut since quite some time. In the corner of the little meadow, we recognized a small beautiful statue showing two young women cowering in the grass.

There had been no plaque or engraving indicating the name of the work or the artist, but we payed our tribute to it nevertheless and enjoyed the beautiful moment of discovery.

Friends - Statue, Berlin Mitte, July 2013

Friends – Statue, Berlin Mitte, July 2013

What you can’t see in the picture are some cherry trees that surrounded the scenery beautifully. Among all fruit trees I would love to have a cherry tree the most – it is one of my most beloved childhood remembrances that I picked dark, seducing cherries from a huge cherry tree in my grandmother’s garden. Of course the sight of the trees had inspired me to make some simple cherry pie right away.

Here’s my recipe


I’m not a refined baker, and this is a totally simple and quick, yet delicious recipe. Grease two small baking tins for tartes (14 cm diameter) and spread a bit of flour. Clean two handsful of cherries and take off the stones. Make a pound cake dough: mix 100 g whole spelt flour, sifted, with 50 g raw sugar, 5 g baking powder, ½ teaspoon ground vanilla bean, a pinch of salt, 75 g butter or margarine and 1 egg. Mix well and fill in the baking tins. Even the surface and press the cherries carefully into the dough. But into the preheated oven (175 °C) and bake for approximately 25 minutes. Take off and let cool down. Add as much powdered sugar as you like and serve.

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"Food with a View - Berlin Food & Photography" is about urban recipes and photographs from a tiny Berlin Mitte kitchen and the rest of the city. Join us!

11 thoughts on “Simply Cherry Pie”

  1. magentratzerl says:

    Wonderful cakes! I love cherries. The cherrie-tress were the ones I loved most in my parents old garden. There was nothing better than eating the ripe cherries fresh from the tree…


  2. evazins says:

    We used to sit in the tree of my best friends garden and eat so many cherries until our stomachs hurt…
    Beautiful tartes! I luckily own the same tins. 🙂 A wonderful summer week-end for you!


  3. Antje Radcke says:

    Indeed it is: childhood is inextricably linked with cherries. I see a huge cherry tree in our garden – however, the cherries were to be a kind of (german called) “glas”-cherries. Because of their yellow / light orange colour not so decorative but very delicious.
    Today I’m waiting and longing for the first cherries from Germany – as soon as I can buy them at my favorite organic-green.grocer I will buy them and try your cherry pie.
    By the way: Thanks a lot for the touching-me-pic of the statue!


    • You are surely right that childhood and cherries belong together, also regarding the comments that all tell of childhood rembrances. I don’t know Glaskirschen, but I did a little research – sounds similar to what I know as Knupperkirsche (the bright sort).
      Good luck with the first cherries in season and with the cake! Hope you will like it. And great that you like today’s urban pic!


  4. I love cherries as well. Unfortunately my grandparents had just a sour cherry tree! I can’t wait to get some and I cant wait to spit the pits with my boys! Hübsche Kuchen, schöne Frauen!


    • Spit the pits – there are things that never change, aren’t they ;-). I did so as well in my grannie’s garden – especially with the sour cherries (she also had sweet ones). Today I love sour cherries, but it’s indeed no kid’s stuff.
      Und wieder mal wäre eine Anmerkung von Dir eine schöne Post-Überschrift gewesen – beautiful cakes & beautiful girls ;-).


  5. Ach Gott, schon wieder ein Kindheitsgericht auf Deinem wunderbaren Blog! Und Deine Bilder sind so schön, wirklich toll, Claudia! Der Kirschenbaum in Nachbars Garten ist auch über und über voll mit dunkelroten Herzkirschen, so sind sie in greifbarer Nähe und doch unendlich weit entfernt 😉


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